
Showing posts from May, 2017

ciciyoung based textile design

Ciciyoung private limited is a New Delhi (India) based textile design, sourcing and marking company helping and representing clothing brands, private label, chain stores, and high street brands. People all over the world love shopping for clothes and learning about fashion design. The textile industry is one of the greatest contributors to the national economy and if considered country wise, then it can be easily said that textile Industry India has an exclusive position in the entire world for its home furnishing textile designing and manufacturing units. India is a diversified country with many of cultures and trends. Designing here is an artistic mixture of patterns, colors, styles and other valuable units. That’s why ciciyoungproving textile deigns with branded textile. We are providing many fabrics also. You will be able to identify fiber absorbency by the wear of ability and durability. The more absorbent fibers are the more comfortable they are to wear humidity. Sinc